Jonah Week 4
There are larger lessons about the book of Jonah than a man being swallowed by a "fish". These lessons point to greater things, like Christ in the New Testament and His resurrection (see the sign of Jonah).
There are six big questions about the book of Jonah:
1. Who was Jonah?
2. Where is Nineveh?
3. Was it a whale that swallowed Jonah?
4. Did Jonah really survive being swallowed or did he die?
5. Why did a big fish swallow Jonah?
6. Why did Jonah run?
1. Our God is bigger than nature
2. God loves the entire world
We have too much work to do for God to be running from Him.
We need to be faithful witnesses, and live and speak God's word verbally, when the opportunity presents itself.
Like Jonah, we are God's hands and feet in this world to win souls for the Kingdom.