The King has Come
God has done everything in His power to initiate a relationship with us. God wants us to know there is a better way if we choose Him. After the book of Malachi in the Old Testament, there is a 400 year gap of silence before Jesus came and the New Testament started.
We have four gospels in the New Testament about Jesus that focus on different things:
1. Mark does not mention Jesus’ birth, but starts with His ministry.
2. Luke focused on a Greek/Gentile audience, and offered many proofs that Jesus was the Messiah.
3. John wanted to prove Jesus was God in the flesh, the Word from before the creation.
4. Matthew wanted to show Jesus fulfilled the hundreds of messianic prophecies of the Old Testament (over 330). The odds of any one person fulfilling a few of these is astronomical, let alone over 330. So, Jesus is the promised Messiah and we can count on it.
Jesus came to earth to relate to us on a human level, born as a baby, so we know He understands our pain and loves us. He wants to offer us comfort as someone who has been through troubles. He came to earth humbly to offer Himself for us on the chance we would accept Him and receive the gift of salvation. He wants us to live with Him forever.
People think they need to get their behavior right before they come to God. However, Jesus wants us to come to Him first, and He will help us clean up our lives. Our salvation is based on faith in Jesus alone and not on our performance.