The Lost and Found

Jul 7, 2024    Ron Gibson


They know their masters voice and face, but have to pay attention or they get into trouble.

When we compromise, we lose focus on our master.

Samson lost focus by being involved with the wrong type of women and paid a terrible price.

David lost focus by not being where it was called to be (in battle), and ending up committing adultery with Bathsheba and murdering one of his mighty men (Uriah).


This is similar to a lost person who does not even know they are lost.

The woman in the story searched diligently to find it, just as God searches and is not willing for any to be lost.

However, we are not all God's children, because in the end it is a choice to accept God's gift of salvation or reject it.


He chose to leave his family and squandered all of his money on wild living.

He came to his senses and went home, repenting of his wrong choices and willing to live with the consequences.

His father saw him from a distance, as our heavenly Father is looking for us when we wander.

The father was filled with compassion and rejoicing to see his lost son return.

These parables provide powerful images of how our lives can go.