Epic Week 9 Shady Characters
Abraham, Jacob, Moses and David were epic characters in the Bible. They also had major moments of failure when it comes to living a Godly life.
God uses people who have sinned greatly, for all to see even thousands of years later, but who are grateful for His grace and forgiveness.
Let us love people like Jesus did, and be a witness in this world, even if others talk about us for association with the "wrong type of people".
Justified - being declared right with God without any cost to us.
Righteous - having a right standing with God.
We are "justified" by Jesus' sacrifice for us. People go to Hell for unbelief.
When we put our faith in Jesus, he declares us righteous before God.
He can do this because Jesus himself paid the penalty for our sin.
All He asks is that we accept His gift of salvation, from the heart, by believing and trusting in Him for it.
Psalm 22 is what Jesus was pointing to when he said from the cross "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?". Written 1000 years before Jesus was crucified, David described Jesus agony from being sacrificed on the cross. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, David was foretelling the most pivotal event in human history, which can lead to the salvation of our souls.
Only the sacrifice of a perfect human being can cover our sin. This is what Jesus did for us.
When Jesus said on the cross, "it is finished", he was saying all sin was now paid for everybody for all time. However, we have to accept His salvation for Him to carry our sin debt. Otherwise, we continue to carry our own sin debt and perish in Hell, separated from Him for all eternity due to our own choice.
Let us trust in Jesus' work on the cross and accept His gift of salvation, which justifies us and declares us righteous before God.