Epic Week 8 Rahab

Jul 21, 2024    Dave White

Rahab was a prostitute and part of a heathen nation. Yet, God had plans for her.

1. She had a bad past, but don't we all to one degree or another

We should avoid the "comparison game" where we feel better because we are "not as bad" as someone else.

We forget that our best efforts at good works for God are just filthy rags to Him.

2. She had a great future.

God had plans for her. Like all of us, she just needed to take action and do the will of God.

She helped the Jewish spies by hiding them, and sending the enemy off in the wrong direction.

She defied her king at the risk of her life and the lives of her family.

Nothing big happens unless we do what God says when He says do it.

Happiness is for the moment, but Joy is from the Lord and forever.

Do the next right thing.

3. She fulfilled her purpose

She had faith in the God of the Jewish people and was rewarded.

Show you believe by what you do.

There is a difference in partnership and membership.

A member can just be a part of the group and take no action.

A partner is taking action and making a difference.

We think of Rahab as having saved the Jewish spies. However, in the end God and the Jewish spies saved Rahab.

Finally, by joining with God's people, Rahab was listed in the lineage of King David, and ultimately Jesus!

Let us also join God's people, and allow Him to do great things in our lives as well.

Before God asks, our answer needs to be "Yes".