The Gift of Singleness
Relationships are important to our daily lives. The Holy Trinity of God had a relationship with each other before anything in our world existed. Since we were created in the image of God, we also yearn for relationships. However, we cannot have a good relationship without God. In any relationship, we are two people in need of one Savior.
Adam was created as the first man and had a relationship with God before he had a relationship with Eve. The "gift of singleness" is a chance for God to make us into the person He wants us to be as we go forward into marriage. This is not only true for people who have never been married, but also after divorce or loss of a spouse.
In Matthew 22, we understand we need to love God AND love our neighbors. This is the formula from God for all relationships. God tells us loving our neighbors is "equally important" to loving Him; both are needed to follow His plan. We also need to love ourselves. If we don't love ourselves, we cannot love anyone else and will eventually rip a relationship apart.
With the gift of singleness, we need to allow God time to develop us into the people we need to be before we jump into a marriage. Remember, our marriages as Christians are supposed to represent Christ and the church. So, we should only marry if God has prepared us both to be in a faithful relationship.
It is not good to be alone (Gen 2), but it is also not good to rush into a relationship until God has prepared us. Choose wisely by marrying someone who loves God and loves others. Also, see God as your loving Father, and not just words on a page. If we have a good relationship with God our Father first, we can have a good relationship with others.