To Serve or Not to Serve

Sep 22, 2024    Randy Johnson

Randy Johnson heard the call of God and organized what is today "God's Pit Crew", a faith-based disaster relief service organization. They have over 1400 volunteers with over 1 million hours logged in service to others. They have helped victims of disaster in many US states and 15 other countries.

This started when Randy saw a tornado disaster on TV and felt the call of God to help. He did not have the resources for the trip and did not know how it would be supplied. However, God provided the supplies and finances needed for the mission. This taught Randy a valuable lesson; God does not need our abilities, but our availability. He's looking for people who will say "Lord, here I am, use me".

When hurricane Floyd hit North Carolina, Randy again answered the call to help people. Randy got to know some of those affected by the intense flooding, and was personally moved at the sight of such devastation. He was also amazed at the faith people had to get through this disaster.

One 82-year old man in particular helped Randy understand the need to have faith to do God's will in extreme circumstances. The mans house had been devastated with his pictures, clothes, and other possessions laying in the street. Randy thought, this is his life and not a pile trash to be thrown away.

Over time, and many trips back to North Carolina, they helped the man rebuild his house. On the way home after one of these trips, one of the volunteers asked Randy "Why don't we just keep doing this?" This was the beginning of the God's Pit Crew ministry.

Later, Randy was running his own business and the ministry, and reached a point of burnout and was thinking of quitting the ministry. However, an encounter with his four year old child helped him change his mind and be reinvigorated for the ministry.

If the Lord calls us to do something, we can step out in faith and believe He will provide the resources we need to complete the mission. However, we need to choose to serve.