Christ Chapel Missions Nov 2024
Christ Chapel sponsors mission trips around the world.
The following is a sample:
Jicamarca Peru
One church in the area, planted last year
First ever medical clinic
40 salvations
We are there to build trust and relationships
South Africa squatter communities near Johannesburg
Lowest life expectancy on earth of 48 years
The people live on trash camps
Highest HIV infection rates
35 salvations in 7 days on the last trip
Northern Thailand
Less than one percent of the people are Christian
Their religions are mainly Buddhism and Animism
Famous Last Words
Luke 23:34 - Father forgive them for they know not what they do
Luke 23:43 - today, you will be with Me in paradise
John 19:30 - It is finished
Jesus died, then He came back and gave the disciples (and us) a mission. He told them to go into all of the world and preach the Gospel. Jesus gave us all the mission to teach to world about Him.
Found people, find people. Now, go and find one more.