Focus Week 5
It is beneficial for us to follow God's will, as He is always reshaping us to be more like Christ. Resisting this process only delays it. We shouldn't limit God's influence in our lives with small thinking. Instead, let's allow Him to lead us through both good and bad times. Don't settle for less than what God wants for us. If we sow sin, we reap sin, but if we sow to God, we reap His rewards.
God's word is full of treasures, and by valuing the Bible and living according to it, we can reap great rewards. To be reshaped by God, we need faith that He will meet our needs and bless us. If we desire change, let's speak in faith and believe that God will help us.
Two enemies of faith are fear and contentment. Just because we don't see immediate changes doesn't mean we should quit. We must be persistent, keep our faith, and expect God to act. Celebrate the victories from God to build our faith.