Focus Week 1
We need to make a difference; we need to matter where we are if we are in God’s will. We need to focus on the big picture and see how God sees our lives, not only our own perspective. Throughout the Bible, we see mankind turning away from God, God calling out to mankind and bringing them back through prophets, teachers, and kings, then another cycle of rebellion occurs.
Finally, Jesus was born to show us the way to God in a personal way. He proved who He was through miraculous signs and wonders and fulfilled prophecy. Many of the religious leaders of His day were so caught up in their own religious practices, and what they thought God was like, they missed God in the flesh before them.
The Holy Spirit also came after Jesus returned to Heaven and performed many signs and wonders among God’s followers throughout the last 2000 years.
The book of Revelation explains how things will ultimately end. When we look at the entirety of scripture, we see how God passionately and aggressively has pursued all of us. We see throughout the Bible that it was God’s plan all along to restore us to Himself after we fell, and to help us make a difference for Him in this life.