Focus Week 7

Mar 2, 2025    Dave White

It's easy to lose focus in our daily lives. However, Elisha the prophet maintained a strong focus on God, which deepened his relationship with Him.

Whenever we make progress in our faith, the enemy is quick to try and knock us down. Elisha’s servant struggled because he saw with worldly eyes instead of spiritual ones. We must not let our immediate reality overshadow the truth that God is in control and is always looking out for us.

God has greater plans for us than any current troubles we might face. He wants to rescue us. What we focus on determines how we live, so we need to keep our eyes on the fact that God is greater than any opposition.

If you want to improve your life, shift your focus from your problems to your potential. God is for us and desires our success. When we focus on Him and achieve success, we can help others and become His hands and feet in this world.

We can't live a productive life for Christ if we’re constantly dwelling on our past sins. We must let go of those past mistakes, allow God to heal us, and move forward. When Elisha’s servant was allowed to see with spiritual eyes, he saw that those with them were greater than those against them. We need to focus on God’s mercy and let that clarity guide us forward.

When we feel surrounded by our enemies, remember that God is greater and surrounds our enemies. Let us not be spiritually nearsighted but instead walk in faith with clear vision.


Focus on faith by:

1. Believing

2. Saying it out loud

3. Doing the next right thing

4. Watching God do more than you could ever ask or imagine