Grace Week 5
Jesus is our High Priest, offering Himself as atonement to God for our sins. We are saved by confessing Jesus as our Savior.
We must believe that Jesus is our Savior to be saved. His sacrifice alone is not enough, as we have to accept that sacrifice as our own to be saved.
God takes our own unrighteousness out of our account and deposits Jesus' righteousness into our accounts when we are saved.
Given all of this, why do we need to confess our sins after being saved? It is to purge our consciences from relying on dead works. No matter how many good works we do, that does not contribute to our salvation. It's all about believing in what Jesus did for us.
The Lamb of Grace
1. The Lamb is provided by God
2. The Lamb is pure
3. The Lamb is perfect
In the Old Testament, the priest never examined the man, they examined the lamb. They made sure it was perfect. God also does not examine us, but rather He examines the perfect Lamb that is sacrificed for us, Jesus.