Grace Week 4

Nov 3, 2024    Dave White

There is no condemnation when we put our faith in Jesus for our salvation. Nothing can separate us from God's love.

What is condemnation? It's to have a judgment against us, to have been put on trial, to have been found guilty, and to have been sentenced.

Now, our sin has been nailed to the cross. Jesus went to trial for us. Jesus was found guilty for us. Jesus was sentenced for us. Jesus died for us. Our sin debt is paid in full by Jesus.

Why then do people go to hell if Jesus paid for all sin? People go to hell for unbelief, not for their sin. Jesus has purchased our freedom and forgiveness of our sin. We have to accept this as a gift.

If we accept this gift from God, we are saved and will live with Jesus forever. If we reject it, there is no way we can pay our own sin debt and are condemned for unbelief.

Why is there no condemnation in Jesus?

1. We live in a new Kingdom

2. We have a new King

3. God justifies us because of Jesus sacrifice