Grace Week 1

Oct 6, 2024    Dave White

Christ is the end of the law for all who believe.

Are we under the law? No, we are under the freedom of God's grace. We are not captive to the law; we died to the law and are now married to Christ by grace.

The law has no ability to help us not commit sin, it only points out what we do that is wrong. The law does not sanctify us, or make us right with God. Only Jesus can make us right with God when we accept His sacrifice for our sin.

No one can be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us what sin is.

Only the Christian faith requires faith instead of works for salvation. Our works are as "filthy rags" to God. So, they cannot redeem us; only faith in Jesus can save us.

Works do not keep us saved, faith does. Legalism, or obeying the law, does not produce righteousness in God's eyes. In fact, it is said in the Bible that it is evil to believe that good works can save us. Only faith in the work of Jesus on the cross can save us.

Obviously, this does not mean it is fine to sin. However, we do not put our faith of salvation in obeying the law. Rather, we do what is right, and obey God, because we love Him. We do good works, but only because we love God, and not to save us.

If keeping the law was enough for salvation, then Jesus died for nothing.

If we continue a sinful lifestyle after being "saved", then we were not really saved in the first place. The heart that loves God will not continue willfully sinning.

Love is the most powerful motivator in the world. Let us fall in love with Jesus and do the right things for the right reasons; out of our love for His love and grace to us.